Initiation 2015

powellOn April 14th, the Wake Forest Chapter inducted 67 students into Phi Beta Kappa. Professsor James Powell, chair of the Classical Languages department, gave an inspiring speech on the meaning of the motto, “Pro Humanitate.”  Many parents, siblings and friends were in attendance.  Thanks to all for making this such a meaningful event.

Jeffrey Alexander–Visiting Scholar

Alexander Jeffrey Photo Portrait Jeff 2012 - CROPPEDIn November, 2014 Professor Jeffrey Alexander delivered the Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Lecture: “Cultural Trauma, Social Solidarity, and Moral Responsibility: Reactions to the Holocaust and other Modern Mass Murders.”  Alexander is the Lillian Chavenson Saden Professor of Sociology at Yale, as well as founder and codirector of the Center for Cultural Sociology. While at Wake Forest, he also participated in a dialogue with Melissa Harris-Perry on the midterm elections, and gave guest presentation in an Introduction to Sociology class.  Our thanks to the Phi Beta Kappa Society for facilitating this visit.


Initiation 2014


On April 15, 2014, 56 seniors and 20 juniors were inducted into the Wake Forest Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa.  We also awarded an honorary membership to Mary Foskett, Professor of Religion and Director of the Humanities Institute. Family and friends joined faculty and staff chapter members in welcoming them at a ceremony in Byrum Welcome Center.  Blake Morant, Dean of Wake Forest’s Law School, gave a lively address on the value of Phi Beta Kappa in his own career. For a list of our newest members, click on the Members/Student Inductees/2014.