Still Searching for a Valentine?

8435321969_c1eea0631a_oStill looking for that perfect valentine? According to a recent (totally unscientific) article by Elite Daily, if you’re looking for a lover, you might want to find someone with a book in their hand.

“Ever finished a book? I mean, truly finished one? Cover to cover. Closed the spine with that slow awakening that comes with reentering consciousness? You take a breath, deep from the bottom of your lungs and sit there. Book in both hands, your head staring down at the cover, back page or wall in front of you.”

If you found yourself nodding along with that statement, you may in fact be easier to love.

“According to Psychologist David Comer Kidd, at the New School for Social Research, ‘What great writers do is to turn you into the writer. In literary fiction, the incompleteness of the characters turns your mind to trying to understand the minds of others.’

This is proved over and over again, the more people take to reading. Their ability to connect with characters they haven’t met makes their understanding of the people around them much easier.

They have the capacity for empathy. They may not always agree with you, but they will try to see things from your point of view.”

And what exactly are these people reading? According to Facebook, Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Lord of the Rings top the list.

And remember, if you need help telling your sweetie just how much you care on Valentine’s Day, the Writing Center will be selling handmade cards all next week.

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