A Daily Dose of Inspiration

We recently stumbled upon a really neat campaign put on by Shared Worlds called Hand in Hand.

According to their website, “Some days you just need a little nudge…a simple reminder that you’re not alone on this path you’ve chosen. Maybe you want help getting out of a plot hole or breaking through a block or you simply need to know that someone else has bee there before–behind a different keyboard, holding a different pen, staring at a different blank page or screen.”

Hand in Hand offers up inspiration to writers through a very creative means, folks’ helping hands.

Shared Worlds asked a group of writers to share their writing advice, and what came next is pretty great.

Lev Grossman


Angela Slatter


 Neil Gaiman

You know what we think?

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What writing inspiration would you want to share? Let us know on our Facebook page [writing on hands is optional].

Tuesday's Tip
Tuesday's Tip: Zotero

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