Wake Study Space
The privilege of using any study space is in accordance with the Wake Forest University Honor Code. If the guidelines are not adhered to, those students who have reserved the room will lose the privilege of reserving study space.
Planning Ahead?
Book a classroom study session for 1-6 people via DeaconSpace
Classrooms in each academic building are available by reservation only, at least 2 business days in advance. If you have a last-minute need, you may reach out to your major/minor department academic coordinator during business hours only.
Need a space now?
Private or group study space can be booked in the Z. Smith Reynolds Library
(on demand)
ZSR has three classrooms available 24/7 as individual study spaces. Deacon OneCard key swipes give access; no reservation is needed.
Additional Common Area Study Space
Carswell Hall provides the following common area space:
- Accessed directly through the Manchester Plaza entrance, the Carswell Lobby provides soft seating for student studying. While it is not reservable as a private study space, the 1st Floor Lobby is occasionally used for special events and may not be available at all times.
- Non-reservable soft seating is also available in the lobby area of Carswell’s 2nd Floor. photo 1; photo 2
- Carswell 212 is a large space with soft seating around low tables in addition to long tables with rolling chairs that could be used for group studying. This space is not reservable as a private study space; it is occasionally used for special events and may not be available at all times. photo 1; photo 2
Students can access Reynolda Campus academic buildings via their Deacon One Cards from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., 7 days/week while a term is in session.
Greene Hall provides the following common area space:
- Accessed directly through the Manchester Plaza entrance, the Greene Atrium on the 3rd floor provides a mixture of soft seating and high-top tables for student studying. While it is not reservable as a private study space, the Atrium is occasionally used for special events and may not be available at all times. photo 1; photo 2; photo 3
- a non-reservable space available for student study on the 1st floor (two floors down from the Manchester Plaza entrance)
Students can access Reynolda Campus academic buildings via their Deacon One Cards from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., 7 days/week while a term is in session.
- Kirby/Manchester Halls provide a non-reservable space available for student study on the 1st floor between the two buildings.
- The Kirby Atrium on the 2nd floor provides seating for 12 in main area at 3 tall whiteboard tables, 2 personal whiteboard desks, and 2 lounge type chairs with 1 round table in 2 corners. While the Kirby Atrium is not reservable as a private study space, it is occasionally used for special events and may not be available at all times. photo 1; photo 2; photo 3
Students can access Reynolda Campus academic buildings via their Deacon One Cards from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., 7 days/week while a term is in session.
Salem Hall has non-reservable spaces which are available for student study:
- Non-reservable student study area near the main entrance: photo 1; photo 2
- Non-reservable student study area outside Salem 121 & 122 : photo 1; photo 2; photo 3
Students can access Reynolda Campus academic buildings via their Deacon One Cards from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., 7 days/week while a term is in session.
The Scales lobby is located in the lower wing of Scales between the Hanes Gallery and Theatre Box Office. There are minimal soft seating options. While the Lobby is not reservable as a private study space, it is occasionally used for special events and may not be available at all times. photo 1; photo 2
Students can access Reynolda Campus academic buildings via their Deacon One Cards from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., 7 days/week while a term is in session.
In addition to the four reservable classrooms included in DeaconSpace, Wake Downtown has non-classroom spaces which are available for student study as well as the following:
- Non-reservable student study area outside Wake Downtown #3504
- Non-reservable student study area outside Wake Downtown #3506: photo 1; photo 2; photo 3
- Non-reservable student study area outside Wake Downtown #3508: photo 1; photo 2
Undergraduate students can access Wake Downtown via their Deacon One Cards from 7 a.m.-11 p.m., M-F.
- Common space only
- There is open, non-reservable space (~350 seats) available in ZSR Library.
- Carrels – 48 closet sized rooms with a desk and chair. They are single occupancy. You will pick-up a key at the main desk.
- Group Study – 4 spaces have room for 2- 6 and are equipped with a smart screen for use with a laptop. No key needed.
- Group Study – 24/7 – 3 spaces have room for 2- 6 and are equipped smart screen for use with a laptop. No key needed. These rooms are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- PLEASE NOTE: Spaces can be reserved for up to 2 hours at a time. Only 1 reservation may be made per day.
How to Use DeaconSpace
In DeaconSpace, students may select create a reservation by selecting “Book Now” beside the “Wake Study Spaces” template to find designated classroom study space as well as several conference rooms in Reynolda Hall that are reservable for student study space.
- Study spaces may be reserved both weekdays and weekends between 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. for no longer than 2 hours at a time.
- If you require the space for more than 2 hours DUE TO AN EXAM, you may book the space for up to 4 hours but must include the exam details in the Event Description field. Please be sure to book your space to begin at least 15 minutes in advance of any required exam start time.
- Please allow at least 2 business days for approval of your request; this is not an automated process.
- You may only make one reservation per day.
- If you cannot access your room during your reserved time, please contact University Police at their non-emergency number (336-758-5591) for assistance. You will be required to show your confirmation email for entrance into the room.
- Students may find open lounges inside our academic buildings open until 11 p.m.
Study Space Expectations

Reserved study spaces are designed for individual or small group study for a maximum of 6 students, regardless of what is posted in the room. Reserved classrooms require a student ID card for entrance. Only one student ID is required, and that student is responsible for the condition of the room and adherence to all guidelines.
While in the space, please do not take furnishings out of the space. If furniture is moved, please restore original set-up.
Before you leave, please:
- Throw away all trash and clean up any messes.
- Erase all boards.
- Turn off all A/V equipment and lights
- Close all windows
- These spaces close for use when it is time for janitorial staff to clean. Be respectful to facilities and custodial staff.
- Students must leave the room at the end of their reserved time