Annual Review and Promotion: Teaching Professionals

updated 11/16/21
Teaching professionals are a vital part of our academic community and are essential to fulfilling the core teaching and service missions of the College. Teaching professionals are subject to annual evaluation for merit raises and promotions as described on this page.
Faculty members in the Teaching Professor or Professor of the Practice lines are considered regular members of the faculty. They are invited and encouraged to attend College faculty meetings and to vote on matters of concern to the faculty. In addition, they are eligible for College Faculty Development funds. Teaching professionals are accorded all rights and privileges of the tenured and tenure track faculty with two exceptions: they are not eligible for Reynolds Research leaves, and they may not vote on any aspect of the hiring, tenure, or promotion of tenure track faculty. Departments are, however, encouraged to include teaching professionals in meetings and discussions concerning all other departmental matters.
Teaching professionals may be appointed to one of two tracks. Faculty members with the title of Teaching Professor hold the Ph.D. or terminal degree in the discipline. Faculty members with the title of Professor of the Practice do not hold the terminal degree but do have at least a Master’s Degree in the discipline along with relevant experience different from that achieved through traditional graduate and professional study. Note: For official descriptions of ranks and titles please consult the most recent Faculty Handbook.
The contributions of teaching professionals are significant and cover a broad range of areas which include teaching, advising and service to their programs, departments, the College, or the University. The primary responsibility of a person hired as a teaching professional will be teaching and mentoring, but as he/she gains seniority, more service will be expected. The typical teaching load will be 3 courses per semester, but the load may vary depending on the nature and volume of the service component the candidate has assumed. Service can include membership on University, College, interdisciplinary, and/or departmental committees, service as a lower division or major advisor, or managing departmental or institutional programs and facilities.
All faculty positions are subject to the terms outlined in the initial letter of appointment between the institution and the individual. These non-tenure track positions are not intended to convert to tenure track positions.
Teaching professionals are contract based employees and will undergo review prior to each reappointment. Teaching professionals, Teaching Professors and Professors of the Practice, are evaluated for reappointment/non-reappointment on a timetable based on rank. Appointments are for 2 years at the Assistant rank, 5 years at the Associate rank, and 7 years at the Full rank.
Contributions of teaching professionals cover a broad range of areas. Contributing to the teaching mission of the College is the primary responsibility of all teaching professionals. Service and other contributions to the department, the College, the University, or the profession, will be recognized and valued. The service contributions will vary across disciplines and departments.