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The next session of the Mid-Career Teacher-Scholars Program is still in its planning stages. Please check back for more information. 

Revised 9/15/23

Wake Forest College Mid-Career Teacher-Scholar Program Application

The Faculty Development Program for Mid-Career Teacher-Scholars will provide an opportunity for 10-12 Associate Professors to reflect on personal and professional priorities at mid-career. Post-tenure is a period of transition: academic interests and trajectories evolve; demands on faculty time increase as they assume more service and leadership roles; and issues of work-life balance may become more salient.

In a combination of small group discussion settings and individual coaching sessions, this program aims to facilitate participants’ strategic setting of personal and professional goals for mid-career. Participants will work on establishing routines and accountability structures that will support and align professional fulfillment with personal balance and well-being.  The program is an opportunity to recognize the post-tenure years as a chance to re-imagine our academic journeys, to (re)define what success means for us at mid-career, and to make the most of resources and support we need to achieve that success.

Eligibility: Tenured faculty at the rank of Associate Professor

Application Process for Wake Forest College: Please submit your application to Leigh Anne Robinson. The application due date will be updated with information regarding our next session.

Application Process for Professional Schools: Please submit a one-page narrative explaining why you would like to participate in this program. The application due date will be updated with information regarding our next session.


Meetings will focus on:

  • Semester writing and research planning
  • Accountability partners and/or writing groups
  • Group conversations around possible roadblocks and tools to success in writing and research
  • Individual coaching sessions (two sessions to be arranged with Coach)