Associate Dean for Research and Community Engagement



455 Vine Street


Associate Dean Rebecca Alexander joined the Wake Forest Department of Chemistry in 2000. She earned her Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania and pursued postdoctoral research at MIT and The Scripps Research Institute. She teaches biochemistry to undergraduate and graduate students. Her research uses experimental and computational tools to study protein-RNA interactions in protein biosynthesis. She led the establishment of Wake Downtown, which has introduced new undergraduate programs in downtown Winston Salem’s Innovation Quarter, and she continues to serve as Director of Wake Downtown. In her role as Associate Dean for Research and Community Engagement, she supports initiatives that develop and enhance academic excellence in research for students and faculty alike and helps the College build and sustain partnerships with key community groups and institutions.

Contact her for questions on Research and Community Engagement topics:

  • Research initiatives
  • Undergraduate research and scholarship
  • Grant submission through Cayuse
  • Teaching and programming at Wake Downtown


Liaison with:

  • Experiential learning and community-based research
  • Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
  • Associate Provost for Research and Scholarly Inquiry
  • Dean of the Graduate School
  • Dean of the Medical School
  • Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URECA) Center
  • Office of Civic and Community Engagement
  • CAP
  • CCC
  • OLEC