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Dear Faculty Colleagues:

The College Curriculum Review Committee (CCRC), which initiated its work in the fall of 2017, has completed its review. Please find attached our report for the Committee on Academic Planning (CAP) who will now take over the process. As announced in the College Faculty Meeting on Monday, May 13, 2019, CAP will review and deliberate on CCRC’s findings and recommendations next fall and bring its recommendations forward to the faculty in due course.

I encourage you to read this report in full over the summer. I’m confident the members of CAP would welcome your comments and feedback. And if you have immediate questions, don’t hesitate to contact me directly.

General education curriculum reviews are fraught with controversy, hazards, and most importantly, opportunities. This one was no exception. As a committee, we did our best to be as transparent and openly deliberative as possible throughout this process. And we thank all who engaged with us and offered thoughtful questions, constructive criticism, and suggestions. This was invaluable.

As I am sure you can appreciate, a lot of time, thought, and good faith deliberation has gone into this review. To be more specific, this would include 31 committee meetings, 2 full day retreats, 4 committee dinners, 29 meetings with departments and programs, and at least 7 faculty forums. I couldn’t begin to count the number of individual or small group meetings and discussions each committee member has had with faculty, students, and staff over these two years. It is difficult to express my gratitude to everyone who served so generously on this committee (see full list below). As committee chair, I feel truly blessed to have had such a collegial group with whom to work. We should all be proud to have colleagues and students so devoted to this institution and willing to give such an extraordinary amount of their time and energy to this endeavor. I remain confident that the fruit of our work will have a positive and lasting impact on the next generation of students at Wake Forest.

With gratitude,

Jay Ford

Chair, College Curriculum Review Committee
Professor, Department for the Study of Religions