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Committee Charge

The CCRC is charged with conducting a comprehensive review of the College’s general education requirements and recommending revisions that will best serve the interest and needs of our students. Following the work of the Best Practices Task Force, the committee will solicit input and feedback from students and faculty on the current curriculum and stated student learning outcomes. The current SLOs, it should be noted, were developed in preparation for the most recent SACS review. In other words, they were developed largely by Dept. chairs in order to rationalize the existing Gen Ed requirements. So an initial task of the CCRC will be to identify key student learning outcomes—i.e., the knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking that students should possess by the time they graduate from the Wake Forest. The Committee will seek specific feedback and approval from the Faculty once these SLOs are developed. Once these outcomes have been approved, the Committee will be charged with recommending revisions to the current Gen Ed structure in order to support the desired learning outcomes. The goal is for the Committee to deliver its preliminary recommendations on curriculum revisions to the Faculty in May, 2018. Faculty will have an opportunity to assess and offer feedback on the recommendations over the summer and fall of 2018. A final recommendation of revisions will be submitted to the Committee on Academic Planning by the end of the fall term (2018).